Laser Hair Removal Pre/Post Care
Pre-Treatment • The treatment area needs to be shaved to skin level, although a day’s hair growth may be helpful so that the area that requires treatment is easily recognizable. • You must avoid waxing, plucking, threading or electrolysis of the hair for 3-4 weeks prior to treatment. Hair needs to be at skin level […]

Why You Should Consider Doing Laser Hair Removal
So you’ve made the life-changing decision to get laser hair removal treatment, congratulations! Now that you’ve dished out a couple hundred bucks for your procedure it’s time to prepare both mentally and physically. You’ve prepared yourself for the price (obviously $$$) and now it’s time to prepare yourself mentally. Under normal circumstances, laser hair removal […]

Spa Facial Versus Medical Facial: What’s the Difference?
What do you picture in your mind when you think of a facial? I picture a rustic French spa with Romanesque hot baths, people talking in hushed tones and walking around in white bathrobes and slippers, the smell of lavender and citrus wafting through the air while soft, meditative music creates a Zen-like atmosphere. […]

4 Reasons to Choose Fibroblast Skin Tightening Over Risky Plastic Surgery
We’ve all done it. We try to take care of ourselves – eat right, exercise, get enough sleep, drink our 8 glasses of water a day – but in the midst of our busy lives, we tend to neglect our skin. Then one day, we see a picture of ourselves for the first time in […]